International Long-Term Plans

Long-term international medical insurance is for missionaries and individuals living outside of their country of citizenship for one year or longer. Missionsafe offers worldwide comprehensive medical coverage for both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens living abroad.

MissionSafe provides several long-term plan options which offer worldwide coverage including return visits home. These plans allow coverage for ministries or families residing outside their country of citizenship, regardless of where they are in the world. We also offers plans that manage cost by excluding coverage in certain countries where medical cost is higher. This financially incentivizes members to seek medical treatment in regions where care is excellent but cost is more contained.

Long-Term Plan Highlights

  • Customizable deductibles
  • Group & individual plan options
  • Enrollment and claims assistance available
  • Hospitalization/Room u0026amp; Board
  • Direct billing options
  • Translation services
  • Currency conversion

Our Recommended Types of Plans:

Living Abroad Plan

Living Abroad Plan

Living Abroad Group Plan

Living Abroad Group Plan